Procurement for LCC Dry Recyclate Materials Contract - Find a freedom of information request


Dry Recyclate Materials tender, closing date 12/02/20
ID 440672

Description: Procurement for Lincolnshire County Council's Dry Recyclate Materials contract to include collection, haulage, processing, handling and material sales.


The details we require are:

1. Suppliers who applied for inclusion on the contract and were not successful at all the stages of the tender process.

2. Who the contract has been awarded to.

3. The proposed Start date & duration of contract.


1. "Suppliers who applied for inclusion on the contract and were not successful at all the stages of the tender process."

The following suppliers applied to be included in the procurement process:

  • New Earth Solutions West Ltd.
  • Ellgia Limited
  • Bywaters Leyton Limited
  • Regen Waste Limited
  • HW Martin Waste Ltd.
  • J&B Recycling Ltd.

All 6 suppliers passed the Council's Selection Criteria and were subsequently invited to tender.

The following suppliers did not submit an initial tender:

  • Ellgia Limited
  • Bywaters Leyton Limited
  • HW Martin Waste Ltd.
  • J&B Recycling Ltd.


2. "Who the contract has been awarded to." New Earth Solutions West Ltd.


3. "The proposed start date & Duration of the contract."

The contract start date is 22/06/2020.
The term of the contract is 5 years, with options to extend for 2 further 12 month periods

Reference number
Date request received
07 May 2020
Date of decision
08 July 2020