Pavement Clearing - Find a freedom of information request


Can you please provide me with the following information in relation to your current overgrown pavement clearing operation:

1. Who currently holds the contract?

2. Who are the decision makers for these contracts?

3. What does the county council pay per linear metre to clear overgrown pavements?

4. What is the county’s annual budget for clearing overgrown pavements?

5. How many metres of rural pavement have not been cleared in the past 10 years?

6. How many metres of rural pavement does the county have on a rolling maintenance plan if such a plan exists?


1. There is no contract specifically for pavement clearance. The work is carried out through the highway term maintenance contract which is currently with Kier Group.

2. The service provided through the contract is set out in the Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan which is approved by the County Councillors; so they are the decision makers.

3. There is not a figure for this as the work is carried out as part of larger programmes of work such as grass cutting, strimming, weed treatment and footway siding.

4. There isn't a specific budget for pavement clearance works. The work that is carried out annually is included in the Environmental Maintenance budget which for 2019/20 was £2.2 million.

5. There are no records of this. However all pavements are included in the annual grass cutting, strimming and weed treatment programmes.

6. There are 298,531 lin.m of rural pavements that are included in the annual programmes. This figure refers to rural pavements as per the DfT definition which is footways where the carriageways have speed limits over 40mph.

Reference number
Date request received
17 January 2020
Date of decision
06 February 2020