Social Work with Romanian Families - Find a freedom of information request

    In the Financial year 2018-2019 In the Financial year 2019-up to date
1.  How many Care proceedings has your Local authority initiated in ?    
2.  How many Care proceedings has your Local authority initiated in the financial year where the subject child was of Romanian nationality and /or Romanian ethnic background?    
3.  Outcome of proceedings for children at point 2 above. Out of the number of children included at point 2 above, how many:    
3.1.  Returned home with parents at the end of the proceedings with no Order in place?    
3.2. Returned to one or both of birth parents under a Supervision Order?    
3.3. Placed with family/ friends in the UK under a Special Guardianship Order?    
3.4. Placed with family / friends in the UK under a Child Arrangement Order?    
3.5. Placed with family/ friends in Romania under a Special Guardianship Order and how are the families monitored and supported post-order?    
  Out of those at point 3.5, how many were placed with a SGO allowance as part of the support plan and how are the allowances reviewed.    
3.6. Placed with family/ friends overseas (other than Romania) under a Special Guardianship Order and how are the families monitored and supported post-order? Please specify which country    
  Out of those at point 3.6, how many were placed with a SGO allowance as part of the support plan and how are allowances reviewed?    
3.7. Placed with family/ friends in Romania under a Child Arrangement Order?    
3.8. Placed with family/ friends overseas (other than Romania) under a Child Arrangement Order? Please specify which country    
3.9. Of the Romanian children placed overseas, including in Romania, how many have direct or indirect contact agreed as part of the support plan and how is this managed?    
3.10. Out of the number of children included at point 2 above, how many were placed for adoption?    
3.11. How many were placed in long term foster care?    
3.12. Other outcomes, please specify    
3.13. Of the total of care proceedings initiated in relation to children of Romanian background how many case were transferred to a Romanian Court?    
4. How many Care proceedings has your Local authority initiated in the financial year where the subject child was a national of Republic of Moldova?    
5. Of those, how many were placed with family/ friends in the Republic of Moldova?    
6, How many Parenting assessments of carers of Romanian ethnic background/ has your Local authority completed part of PLO and Care proceedings.    
7. How many SGO assessments of carers of Romanian ethnic background/ has your Local authority completed part of PLO and/ or Care proceedings.    
8. Of those at point 7, how many were completed in Romania?    
9. Of those at point 7, how many were completed overseas (other than Romania)? Please specify which countries    


Qualitative Information:

10. What do you find to be main challenges in the assessment and direct work with Romanian speaking families?

11. What do you find to be the challenges in providing support to the Romanian speaking families?

12. Does your local authority’s early help service offer parenting groups in Romanian?

13. What do you believe would be beneficial to your service to make the work with Romanian speaking families more effective?




    In the Financial year 2018-2019 In the Financial year 2019-up to date
1.  How many Care proceedings has your Local authority initiated in ? 184 99 (current figure until November 2019)
2.  How many Care proceedings has your Local authority initiated in the financial year where the subject child was of Romanian nationality and /or Romanian ethnic background? 0 1 (on-going care proceedings)
3.  Outcome of proceedings for children at point 2 above. Out of the number of children included at point 2 above, how many: 0 N/A
3.1.  Returned home with parents at the end of the proceedings with no Order in place? 0 N/A
3.2. Returned to one or both of birth parents under a Supervision Order? 0 N/A
3.3. Placed with family/ friends in the UK under a Special Guardianship Order? 0 N/A
3.4. Placed with family / friends in the UK under a Child Arrangement Order? 0 N/A
3.5. Placed with family/ friends in Romania under a Special Guardianship Order and how are the families monitored and supported post-order? N/A
  Out of those at point 3.5, how many were placed with a SGO allowance as part of the support plan and how are the allowances reviewed. 0 N/A
3.6. Placed with family/ friends overseas (other than Romania) under a Special Guardianship Order and how are the families monitored and supported post-order? Please specify which country 0 N/A
  Out of those at point 3.6, how many were placed with a SGO allowance as part of the support plan and how are allowances reviewed? 0 N/A
3.7. Placed with family/ friends in Romania under a Child Arrangement Order? 0 N/A
3.8. Placed with family/ friends overseas (other than Romania) under a Child Arrangement Order? Please specify which country 0 N/A
3.9. Of the Romanian children placed overseas, including in Romania, how many have direct or indirect contact agreed as part of the support plan and how is this managed? 0 N/A
3.10. Out of the number of children included at point 2 above, how many were placed for adoption? 0 N/A
3.11. How many were placed in long term foster care? 0 N/A
3.12. Other outcomes, please specify 0 N/A
3.13. Of the total of care proceedings initiated in relation to children of Romanian background how many case were transferred to a Romanian Court? 0 N/A
4. How many Care proceedings has your Local authority initiated in the financial year where the subject child was a national of Republic of Moldova? 0 0
5. Of those, how many were placed with family/ friends in the Republic of Moldova? 0 0
6, How many Parenting assessments of carers of Romanian ethnic background/ has your Local authority completed part of PLO and Care proceedings. 0 0
7. How many SGO assessments of carers of Romanian ethnic background/ has your Local authority completed part of PLO and/ or Care proceedings. 0 0
8. Of those at point 7, how many were completed in Romania? 0 0
9. Of those at point 7, how many were completed overseas (other than Romania)? Please specify which countries 0 0


Qualitative Information:

FOI is in regard to access to recorded information held by the Council. These questions are not in relation to recorded information.


Reference number
Date request received
02 January 2020
Date of decision
13 January 2020