Specialist Education Support Services - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please state the name, job title and contact details of the person completing this form and/or the same details for the person ultimately responsible


2. Do you plan on reducing the overall budget allocated for:

a. Specialist education support services for all children with special educational needs in 2020/21?

b. Specialist education support services specifically for deaf/hearing impaired children in 2020/21?

c. Please provide all associated documentation or correspondence giving insight into the corresponding budgetary changes for both 'a' and 'b'


3. Do you plan on reducing the hours and/or the numbers of specialist education staff working with deaf/hearing impaired children in 2020/21?

a. Please give details (please continue on separate sheet if necessary and provide all associated documentation or correspondence giving insight into the corresponding staffing changes)


4. Please complete the table below giving details of the budgeted spend for specialist education services for deaf/hearing impaired children in 2019/20 and 2020/21.
We have provided a column for you to state if budgeted spend is expected to vary from actual spend. Please use figures for budgeted spend (NOT actual spend) for 2020/21 figures.




  2019/20 budgeted spend Is your actual spend for 2019/20 likely to vary from this figure? If yes, please explain 2020/21
budgeted spend
If there is a reduction since 2019/20, please explain
Gross budget(£) (i.e. budget allocation plus any additional income generated or expected to be generated)        
Net budget (£) (i.e. budget allocation)        


5. What services does the budgeted spend include? Please provide all associated documentation or correspondence giving insight into the corresponding budgets


6. Please complete the table below giving details of budgeted staffing levels in the specialist education service for deaf/hearing impaired children in 2019/20 and 2020/21.

If any of the posts include a combination of management and service delivery roles or if staff work flexibly across roles, please ensure the approximate time spent on each is accurately divided between rows a), b) and/or c) and expressed as a full time equivalent (fte)

Please note you may need to ask schools for this information


  2019/20 number of fte posts How many of these posts were vacant 2019/20? How many of these posts were frozen in 2019/20? 2020/21 number of fte posts How many of these posts will be vacant in 2020/21? How many of these posts will be frozen in 2020/21?
Team management (e.g. team leader, Head of Service etc.) – not including hours spent on direct peripatetic service delivery            
Specialist Teachers of the Deaf involved in direct peripatetic service delivery – not including time spent on team management            
Specialist Teachers of the Deaf involved in any specialist or resource provision (units) in mainstream schools centrally funded by the local authority            
Communication support workers, specialist teaching assistant, any other specialist staff or those working in a similar role to a CSW or a TA            
Other (please give details)            


7. How many resource provisions, bases or specialist units for deaf/hearing impaired children were there in your local authority in September 2019?


8. How many resource provisions, bases or specialist units for deaf/hearing impaired children will there be in your local authority in September 2019? How many of those are funded by the Local Authority?


9. Are any changes planned to resource provisions, bases or specialist units for deaf/hearing impaired children in your local authority?

a. Please provide details and provide all associated documentation or correspondence giving insight into the corresponding changes.


10.Do you provide funding for parents of deaf/hearing impaired children to access sign language training?

a. Please give details and provide all associated documentation or correspondence giving insight into the funding for BSL.


11.Are there any plans to review the specialist education service for deaf/hearing impaired children?

a. If yes, please provide details, brief outline, timeline and any consultations


12.Please use the box below to provide any further information about education services for deaf children in your area (including any changes to commissioning services).








1. Team Manager (Strategic Lead for the Sensory Education and Support Team) josie.pedersen@lincolnshire.gov.uk



a. No, Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) do not plan on reducing the overall budget allocated for specialist education support services for all children with special educational needs in 2020/21.

b. No, LCC do not plan on reducing the overall budget allocated specifically for deaf/hearing impaired children in 2020/21.

c. Insight into budgetary changes is not applicable if no budgetary changes are planned for the above.


3. LCC do not plan on reducing the hours and/or the numbers of specialist education staff working with deaf/hearing impaired children in 2020/21.

a. Details of changes to hours and/or numbers of specialist education staff are not applicable (N/A) if no changes are planned for the above.


4. The budget for specialist educational service for deaf/hearing impaired children is included in the budget for the Sensory Education and Support Team who also support bind/sight impaired children and children with multi-sensory impairments. This cannot therefore be meaningfully disaggregated. The budget overall has increased since last year. There has been no reduction planned in teachers of the deaf, or in Teaching Assistants that support deaf/hearing impaired children, or in the equipment planned.


  2019/20 budgeted spend Is your actual spend for 2019/20 likely to vary from this figure? If yes, please explain 2020/21
budgeted spend
If there is a reduction since 2019/20, please explain
Gross budget(£) (i.e. budget allocation plus any additional income generated or expected to be generated) LCC does not hold this information solely for Hearing Impaired budgets. LCC does not hold this information solely for Hearing Impaired budgets. LCC does not hold this information solely for Hearing Impaired budgets. N/A
Net budget (£) (i.e. budget allocation) LCC does not hold this information solely for Hearing Impaired budgets. LCC does not hold this information solely for Hearing Impaired budgets. LCC does not hold this information solely for Hearing Impaired budgets. N/A


5. The budget for specialist educational service for deaf/hearing impaired children is included in the budget for the Sensory Education and Support Team who also support bind/sight impaired children and children with multi-sensory impairments.


6. *Full Time Equivalent (FTE)


  2019/20 number of fte posts How many of these posts were vacant 2019/20? How many of these posts were frozen in 2019/20? 2020/21 number of fte posts How many of these posts will be vacant in 2020/21? How many of these posts will be frozen in 2020/21?
Team management (e.g. team leader, Head of Service etc.) – not including hours spent on direct peripatetic service delivery 1 Head of Service
1 Team Manager
0 0 1 Head of Service
1 Team Manager
0 0
Specialist Teachers of the Deaf involved in direct peripatetic service delivery – not including time spent on team management 9 0 0 9 0 0
Specialist Teachers of the Deaf involved in any specialist or resource provision (units) in mainstream schools centrally funded by the local authority 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A
Communication support workers, specialist teaching assistant, any other specialist staff or those working in a similar role to a CSW or a TA 4 0 0 4 0 0
Other (please give details)            


7. Zero resource provisions, bases or specialist units for deaf/hearing impaired children were in our local authority in September 2019.


8. There will be zero resource provisions, bases or specialist units for deaf/hearing impaired children in our local authority in September 2019.


9. No changes are planned to resource provisions, bases or specialist units for deaf/hearing impaired children in our local authority.

a. Details and insight into changes to resource provisions, bases or specialist units for deaf/hearing impaired children are not applicable if no changes are planned for the above.


10.LCC do not provide funding for parents of deaf/hearing impaired children to access sign language training.

a. Details and insight into funding provision for deaf/hearing impaired children is not applicable if no funding is provided for the above.


11.There are currently no plans to review the specialist education service for deaf/hearing impaired children.

a. Details of plans to review the specialist education service for deaf/hearing impaired children are not applicable if no plans exist for the above.


12.The budget for specialist educational service for deaf/hearing impaired children is included in the budget for the Sensory Education and Support Team who also support bind/sight impaired children and children with multi-sensory impairments. This budget has increased for 2020/2021 from 2019/2020 and no reductions in resource are planned.


Reference number
Date request received
14 February 2020
Date of decision
09 March 2020