Sexual Health Funding 2018-2020 - Find a freedom of information request


1. If your council has any planned cuts to sexual-health funding for the year 2019/20, compared to 2018/19. If so, I would like to know what these planned cuts will look like (e.g. reduced opening hours for sexual health services, reduced staff, closures to sexual health services etc)


2. If your council has any plans to increase sexual-health funding for the year 2019/20, compared to 2018/19. If so, I would like to what what these planned increases will look like (e.g. increased opening hours for sexual health services, increased staff, opening of sexual health services etc.)


3. The total amount of changes (for example, changes to funding) or closures to existing sexual health services within your council, between the years 2016/17 and 2019/2020 inclusive.


1. None planned this year

2. Not applicable

3. None

Reference number
Date request received
06 February 2020
Date of decision
11 February 2020