Animal Welfare Inspections - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many farms in your jurisdiction have been inspected by your department on animal welfare grounds in the last 12 months and, in each case, what triggered the inspection (e.g. complaint from the public, complaint from another government department, complaint from the RSPCA, etc.)


2. How many of those inspections led to legal action being taken against a farm. I do not require the names of the farms, any personal details or specific details of the complaints.


1. Over the last 12 month 121 animal health inspections have been undertaken by Lincolnshire Trading Standards. 93 of these were programmed inspections, planned as part of our annual inspection programme at the beginning of each year. The remaining inspections were undertaken as a result of complaints received by the service.


2. 12 warning notices issued and 2 investigations commenced.

Reference number
Date request received
09 November 2019
Date of decision
06 December 2019