Highway Works - Fenn Lane, Burton 2000-2019 - Find a freedom of information request


1. Can you please tell me how much money has been spent on works to Fenn Lane , Burton LN1, in each financial year from 2000/2001 until 2018/2019


1. In accordance with Section 1(1) (a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, you are advised that Lincolnshire County Council does hold information that falls within the description specified in your request.

It is important to understand the Highways Maintenance process and how this process tackles the issue of potholes to better understand our response to this FOI request. The individual task orders that the teams carry out on a daily basis are not costed due to the number of these instructions issued (around 40,000 per year across the county) and as such, we do not keep records of budget spent on individual assets or streets and are therefore unable to provide financial information for Fen Road for the specific dates requested.

LCC have a number of Minor Maintenance Teams who carry out our minor repairs and pothole works across the County. These are ordered and paid for on the provision of plant, labour and equipment on an annual basis (e.g. 1st April to 31st March). 

In regards to the road surface dressing, LCC spent £26,202 on surface dressing Fen Lane in Burton back in 2016. We do not hold any additional financial information relating to surface dressing for Fen Lane in Burton prior to this date.

LCC recognise that prevention of potholes is much more effective than repairing them once they have occurred and the Asset Management Plan details how we try to prevent potholes within the funding provided.   


Reference number
Date request received
07 May 2019
Date of decision
12 July 2019