Sexual and Reproductive Health Budget - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please state the total public health budget allocated (including for GP and pharmacist services) by your local authority for all sexual and reproductive health services, budget allocated to general practice for all sexual and reproductive health services, budget allocated to specialist community sexual and reproductive health service providers (including integrated sexual health providers) for all sexual and reproductive health services, and budget allocated out of area for all sexual and reproductive health services in:

a. the financial year 2015/16

b. the financial year 2016/17

c. the financial year 2017/18

d. the financial year 2018/19

e. plans for the financial year 2019/20 (please give combined budget if within a block contract)


2. Please provide the number of sites commissioned by your local authority, or a provider subcontracted by your local authority, to deliver contraceptive services in:

a. the financial year 2015/16

b. the financial year 2016/17

c. the financial year 2017/18

d. the financial year 2018/19

e. Plans for the financial year 2019/20.


3. If your organisation has taken a decision to reduce the number of sites, please:

a. provide the reason why this decision was taken

b. confirm or deny whether an impact assessment was undertaken

c. if confirm, share the impact assessment


4. Please provide the total volume of activity that your organisation has contracted for the fitting and removal of LARC methods of contraception (excluding injection) in your area in sexual and reproductive health services (excluding general practice) and GP practices in:

a. the financial year 2015/16

b. the financial year 2016/17

c. the financial year 2017/18

d. the financial year 2018/19

e. plans for the financial year 2019/20


5. Please confirm or deny whether the local authority stipulates and/or monitors waiting time requirements in contracts with general practice and sexual and reproductive health services for:

a. sexual health appointments

b. contraception appointments

c. Appointments for fitting LARC.


6. If confirm, for each please release corresponding data on:

a. average waiting times

b. the longest waiting time in the most recent year for which figures are available


7. Please provide information on the number of contracts to deliver sexual and reproductive health services, including the delivery of contraceptive services, that have been terminated earlier than planned and the reasons for each withdrawal or early termination of contract in:

a. the financial year 2015/16

b. the financial year 2016/17

c. the financial year 2017/18

d. the financial year 2018/19


8. Please confirm or deny whether the local authority collects data on the number of complaints received relating to the provision of contraceptive services in general practice and community and integrated sexual health providers. If confirm, please provide information on the number of complaints received relating to the provision of contraceptive services in:

a. general practice

b. sexual and reproductive health services in the financial years (i) 2016/17, (ii) 2017/18 and (iii) 2018/19

If deny, please provide information on who does collect this data for your area.


9. Please provide information on the number of community outreach sites (targeting groups or populations who are not effectively reached by traditional health services) commissioned by the local authority to deliver sexual and reproductive health services contraceptive services and LARC fittings in:

a. the financial year 2015/16

b. the financial year 2016/17

c. the financial year 2017/18

d. the financial year 2018/19

e. plans for the financial year 2019/20


10. Please confirm or deny whether the local authority commissions standalone sites directed towards young people aged 25 or younger providing sexual and reproductive health services, including the delivery of contraceptive services.

If confirm, please provide information on:

a. any age restrictions for accessing these services

b. the number of standalone services directed towards young people providing sexual health services

c. the number of standalone services directed towards young people providing contraceptive services commissioned by the local authority in the financial year:

i. 2017/18

ii. 2018/19

iii. 2019/20



11. Please provide information on the number of conceptions resulting in live birth in looked after children aged 19 or younger, care leavers aged 19 or younger and children who are home educated in:

a. the financial year 2015/16

b. the financial year 2016/17

c. the financial year 2017/18

d. the financial year 2018/19


12. Please confirm or deny whether the local authority has a contract in place to deliver digital services for sexual and reproductive health support, contraceptive provision and sexually transmitted infection testing.

If confirm, please state who is commissioned to provide these services.

If deny, please state whether the local authority has plans to commission such services in the future.



a. the financial year 2015/16      £6,038,526.52

b. the financial year 2016/17      £5,501,288.86 

c. the financial year 2017/18      £5,348,411.50      

d. the financial year 2018/19      £5,417,116.94

e. plans for the financial year 2019/20 (please give combined budget if within a block contract)                      £5,296,640.00



2. The number of sites varies from year to year. The block contract for RSH integrated services has 4 hubs and 5 spokes plus a host of other locations including pop up clinics, a mobile clinic, outreach services, university and college services etc. In addition there is an online self-test service.

GP practices providing LARC have changed due to loss of LARC accredited practitioners, practice closures and choices made by some rural small practices to not take up a contract. Currently there are 62 practices that are contracted by LCC to deliver LARC (2 more pending) across Lincolnshire.

35 Pharmacies are contracted by LCC directly to provide emergency contraception. We await some further contracts to be signed, and some pharmacies are sub contracted via LISH provide chlamydia screening and treatment. LISH also sub contract a number of GP's and pharmacies across Lincolnshire to provide chlamydia screening and treatment.

A local charity is commissioned to provide: Social care for people identified as HIV positive and their families. Outreach work to MSM. A drop-in POCT clinic monthly. Education services to schools on a variety of topics related to RSE and HIV. Awareness raising in social care and health services.

Please note the Council does not hold the information requested for each financial year.



3. Not applicable



4. The contracts are based on activity payments with no required volume attached.




a.  sexual health appointments  48 hours or –if symptomatic-same day

b. contraception appointments  No waiting time stipulated-no waiting lists

c. Appointments for fitting LARC. No waiting time stipulated-no waiting lists



6. Our contract managers state that there have been no waiting issues and we know from the Patients Friend and Family test that 98% of people are recommending the service and we have no complaints about waiting times.



7. None




  1. general practice-NONE at present
  2. sexual and reproductive health services in the financial years (i) 2016/17, (ii) 2017/18 and (iii) 2018/19-NONE



9. None. These groups of people do receive outreach services from the main providers. Positive Health visit 28 PSE sites across Lincolnshire.

LISH have a wide range of outreach work for young vulnerable people, people with another language, mainly Eastern European. Work is being established with Homeless people, local drugs and alcohol services and for people who use Chemsex.




10. NO-all provided for in the integrated RSH service.




11. This is not recorded information.




12. Lincolnshire Community Health Services under the LISH contract


Reference number
Date request received
26 June 2019
Date of decision
23 July 2019