Supported Accommodation for Young People (16-25) - Find a freedom of information request


All questions are for your organisations Supported accommodation for young people aged 16-24/25 provision. The client group is typically Looked after young people aged 16-17, care leavers and unaccompanied asylum seekers.

1. Please can you provide contract dates for your current provision?


2. Please can you provide the month/year (i.e Dec 19) you would expect to go out retender for this contract?


3. Do you place service users outside of your standard contract? i.e using a spot purchasing process?


4. If you do, can you provide the link to register for your spot purchasing portal?


5. What was your total spend on this provision/contract for 2017/2018 and 2018/2019? Please can you split this across the various lots of your provision/contract?


6. How many providers have you used for 2018/2019?


7. Do you use providers outside your local jurisdiction during that period?


8. Do you use SME providers during that period?


9. How many young people have you been responsible for supporting in “supported accommodation” during 2018/2019?


1. The current youth housing contract commenced on 1st July 2015 and will end on 30th June 2020.


2. The opportunity to tender for the new Supported Accommodation contract for Children Services is currently open on ProContract. The deadline for submissions is 13th January 2020


3. Where the current contract is unable to accommodate referrals received, the Council will spot purchase by using the Open Select list that is currently in operation.


4. The Open Select List opens annually to allow new entrants to join. The Open Select List is scheduled to be re-opened around September 2020. In the meantime, any Suppliers that make enquiries to join can be added to our 'All Provider' list until such a time as the list is re-opened. This can be done by sending details to


5. The current Youth Housing contract value is £868,109 per annum.


6. During 2018/19, the Council made supported accommodation placements for young people between the ages of 16 and 21 with 11 Providers.


7. Yes, during 2018/19, the Council spot purchased supported accommodation placements outside of the geographical area of Lincolnshire.


8. This information is not recorded.


9. 121 young people were supported in supported accommodation placements from 1st April 2018 – 31st March 2019.

Reference number
Date request received
11 December 2019
Date of decision
03 January 2020