Houses of Multiple Occupation - Find a freedom of information request


1. Whether the council uses Houses of Multiple Occupation as accommodation for:

a. 16-18 year olds in the care of the local authority.

b. Care leavers aged 18+.


2. The names of all semi-independent housing providers and licensed HMOs as accommodation for 16-18 year olds in the care of the local authority, or for care leavers.


3. The number of times in the last five years an HMO has been used to house:

a. A 16-18 year old in the care of the local authority.

b. A care leaver aged 18+.


4. A copy of any internal reports, assessments or risk analyses relating to the use of HMOs to house looked-after children.


a. In Lincolnshire, our youth housing offer to homeless 16 and 17 year olds, Former Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers and Care Leavers 16+ are all foyer style accommodation and therefore have shared kitchen facilities. These are classed as HMO's, they are individually contract managed and quality assured by LCC.

b. Yes, as above, Lincolnshire County Council has used HMOs for Care Leavers aged 18+.


2. Lincolnshire County Council have provided information based on the 2018-19 financial year only:

Houses of Multiple Occupancy

Locate Accommodation Ltd
Maze Independent Care


3. From 1st July 2015 to 31st December 2019, a decision to accommodate a 16-18 year old or a Care Leavers 18+ in our own foyer style commissioned HMO was made number of times. LCC would need to analyse placement decisions on every individual case in order to identify the exact number of individual placements within our HMO supported housing provisions. This cannot do this within prescribed timescales.


4. Lincolnshire County Council are unable to provide figures for Looked After children only or a breakdown between 16-18 year olds and Care Leavers aged 18+ in a timescales that is not prohibitive.


5. Decision on where to accommodate is based on the individual needs and wishes of the young people; all of the HMOs are only designated as such due to the number of bedrooms and shared facilities. Suitability assessments including risk assessments are carried out in the same way as for any other accommodation option both by the Local Authority and the accommodation provider. All accommodation options are carefully monitored and contract managed by the Local Authority

Reference number
Date request received
07 February 2020
Date of decision
04 March 2020