Applications Under the Government's "Active Travel Fund" - Find a freedom of information request


Lincolnshire County Council made applications under the government's "Active Travel Fund" in 2020 to provide facilities for improvements to walking and cycling. It received £105,500 in the first phase and £799,900 in the second phase. As part of allocations the council bought a number of cycle racks and placed them in various locations in the county. Subsequently following complaints it moved cycle racks from Holbeach and Market Deeping into different locations.

The Council using the money from the "Active Travel Fund" has been making other improvements to cycling in the county. Under both phases please identify:

1. The number of cycle racks purchased.

2. The cost of each cycle rack.

3. The initial location each cycle rack was placed.

4. If any cycle rack was subsequently moved, where was it moved from and to?

5. If a cycle rack was subsequently moved, please identify why it was moved and if due to complaint what was the complaint and who was the source of that complaint?

6. Please give a breakdown of how both phases of the "Active Travel Fund" have been spent within the county up to 9 February 2021.

7. If money is still unspent, why is that and how much is unspent up to 9 February 2021?


1. 10 car shaped bike racks and two bike shaped car racks. Out of the 12 cycle racks purchased, seven have been allocated and a further five have still to be allocated.

2. Car shaped at £2,780 per unit. Bike shaped at £2,900 per unit.

3. One bike shaped rack in Lincoln. One car shaped rack in Market Deeping. One car shaped rack in Holbeach. Two car shaped racks in Lincoln. Two car shaped racks in Sleaford.

4. To clarify, out of the seven currently allocated, two cycle racks were moved: one from Market Deeping which is now in Stamford and the second from Holbeach which is now at Lincoln Rugby Club.

5. Although Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) cannot divulge the personal details of the complainant, LCC can divulge the reasons. The Holbeach rack was moved due to a number of complaints relating to the loss of an on-street parking space. The Market Deeping rack was moved due to a number of complaints relating to the loss of an on-street parking space and a feeling that the rack did not fit in with the aesthetics of the town centre.

6. As of 9 February 2021, the spend is as follows: Tranche one spend was £84,600 broken down as follows: Purchase of Cycle racks: £33,600 Temporary point closures on Wigford Way and Brayford Wharf East in Lincoln and Horncastle Market Place Closure: £51,000. Total of £84,600. Tranche two spend is £0.

7. Tranche one has been allocated to the projects mentioned in question 6, so the full £105,500 will be spent by the end of March 2021. Tranche two will commence in 2021/2022.

At present, there is consultation taking place on a number of proposals which is available on LCC's website. The Council are currently working on the schemes that will be included. A consultation exercise on a number of schemes is currently underway.

Reference number
Date request received
08 March 2021
Date of decision
06 April 2021