Children's Hospices - Funding - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many children’s hospice institutions have you funded in the following years:

a. 2019

b. 2018

c. 2017
(If the number has been recorded in financial years, please provide the breakdown in that form)


2. How much funding have you contributed to each children’s hospice in the following years:

a. 2019

b. 2018

c. 2017


3. What was the percentage of overall hospice income your funding contributed to for each children’s hospice in the following years (e.g. the government decreed minimum is 17 per cent state funding):

a. 2019

b. 2018

c. 2017


4. Do you have any plans yet in place to increase this funding following the UK government’s announcement that it was doubling state funding for children’s hospices?


5. If you do have plans to increase children’s hospice funding in your constituency, please outline how much more of a percentage this would be and when this would be enforced


6. Do you know of any other local government agencies - e.g. NHS CCGs or Trusts - that also partly fund local children's hospices?



a. 2018-2019 - 0

b. 2017-2018 - 0

c. 2016-2017 – 0


2. .

a. 2018-2019 - 0

b. 2017-2018 - 0

c. 2016-2017 - 0



a. 2018-2019 - 0

b. 2017-2018 - 0

c. 2016-2017 - 0


4. No.


5. Not applicable.


6. No.

Reference number
Date request received
27 February 2020
Date of decision
17 March 2020