Subject Access Requests (SARs) - Find a freedom of information request


Can you please provide answers to the following questions relating to Subject Access Requests (SARs):

1. How many SARs have been made to the council in the last 12 months?

2. Please provide a breakdown of the specific departments that these SARs relate to?

3. Is there a central response to SARs or is it devolved to the departments involved?

4. How many staff deal with responses?

5. On average how many hours are spent dealing with a SAR?

6. Do you have any software to assist with SAR production?


1. For the period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020, a total of 272 Subject Access Requests have been received and progressed. A number of extra requests had been received but were not progressed due to supporting documents to allow release were not received.


2. These relate to the following Directorates within Lincolnshire County Council:
Adults & Community wellbeing = 36
Children's Services = 182
Commercial = 3
Fire & Rescue = 2
Place = 10
Resources = 39


3. One Team, The Customer Information Service, co-ordinate the gathering of records from Directorates and the completion of the request.


4. Within the Customer Information Service there is a total of 5 staff that deal with requests, as well as undertaking other duties.


5. LCC do not record the amount of time spent on each request, the time taken depends on the type, complexity and volume of records received for each request.


6. Adobe Pro DC is the software used within the Team to support with the converting, merging and redaction of records for a request.

Reference number
Date request received
24 July 2020
Date of decision
18 August 2020