Consultancy Fees Related to Covid-19 - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please state the amount your local authority has spent on consultants and consultancy fees for work related to the Covid-19 pandemic.


2. Please provide a breakdown of your spend on consulting work related to Covid-19 by the company that provided the consultancy.


3. Please provide a breakdown of your spend on consulting work per project related to Covid-19 by the following:

a. By date and duration (or expected duration) of the project.

b. By consultancy company paid.

c. By number of consultants contracted to work on the project.

d. By short summary of the project.


In accordance with Section 1(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA), you are advised that Lincolnshire County Council does not hold information that falls within the description specified in your request.

Reference number
Date request received
26 October 2020
Date of decision
17 November 2020