Traffic Management In Relation to Data Protection - Find a freedom of information request


1. In relation to Traffic Management:

a. The current provider(s) of Traffic Management services to your County Council

b. The end date of the contract(s) where this is held by an external provider

c. The value of the contract(s) where this is held by an external provider

d. What platform(s) tendering for these services was previously notified on


2. In relation to Data Protection:

a. The current provider(s) of Data Protection services to your County Council

b. The end date of the contract(s) where this is held by an external provider

c. The value of the contract(s) where held by an external provider

d. What platform(s) tendering for these services was previously notified on



1.a. Traffic Management is part of the overall Highway Term Maintenance Contract with Kier. They are able to subcontract or not as they see fit with approval from LCC as Client. Delivery is currently from a number of suppliers including some self-delivery. TMS (Retford) provide the majority of external works.


b. This contract finishes on the 31 March 2019.


c. The contract overall is worth around £40m per annum. The amount of traffic management varies significantly depending on the type of works delivered.


d. The tender was a full OJEU Restricted tender procedure.


2. Please note Lincolnshire County  Council does not hold contracts for any such services. Data protection support is provided in-house by the Information Assurance Team, not bought in from an external provider.


Reference number
Date request received
8 June 2019
Date of decision
17 June 2019