Foster Carers Registered with the Council - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please confirm the number of foster carers registered with the Council at the end of each of the
last 6 financial years of the Council.


2. Please confirm the number of foster carer nights (i.e. a night in which a foster carer is caring for
one or more children) funded by the Council for each of the last six financial years, and confirm
how many were:
a. Direct placements.
b. Placed through Independent Fostering Agencies.


3. Please confirm the total paid by the Council to foster carers for direct placements for each of
the last six financial years as:
a. Allowances.
b. Fees.


4. Please confirm the total paid by the Council to foster carers through Independent Fostering
Agencies in respect of foster care placements for each of the last six financial years as:
a. Allowances.
b. Fees.



Financial Year            Number of Foster Carers
2014/2015 344
2015/2016 345
2016/2017 337
2017/2018 313
2018/2019 290
2019/2020 280



Financial Year 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020
Total 136157 143261 147774 148303 130015 134627
Direct Placements. 130865 134579 136394 139070 123018 128105
Fostering Agencies.
5292 8682 11380 9233 6997 6522


3. Please be advised that Lincolnshire County Council does not pay fees, so only the total
expenditure figure has been provided.

Financial Year            Total Expenditure
2014/2015 £5,994,979
2015/2016 £5,478,680
2016/2017 £5,536,909
2017/2018 £5,576,719
2018/2019 £5,328,771
2019/2020 £5,328,771


4. As above, please see a total expenditure figure as independent providers do not advise of the
cost detail related to allowance and fees.

Financial Year            Total Expenditure
2014/2015 £959,200
2015/2016 £783,723
2016/2017 £637,836
2017/2018 £438,823
2018/2019 £456,617
2019/2020 £607,677





Reference number
Date request received
02 September 2019
Date of decision
30 September 2019