Looked-After Siblings - Find a freedom of information request


1. As of today’s date (28.11.19) How many looked after children are in the care of your local authority?


2 a) As of today’s date (28.11.19) How many sibling groups are in the care of your local authority?

b) What is the total number of children within those sibling groups?


3. How many sibling groups are all placed together?


4. How many children in your care, who are part of a sibling group, are not living with at least one of their siblings?


5. During the last financial year (2018-2019) and this financial year to date, How many children placed for adoption by the local authority have been separated (through adoption) from any birth siblings?


1. 637


2. a) 121

b) 314


3. 59


4. 118


5. 8

Reference number
Date request received
28 November 2019
Date of decision
13 December 2019