Fixed Penalty Notices for Unauthorised School Absences - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many Fixed Penalty Notices has your council handed out between September 2018 – July 2019 to parents for the following unauthorised school absences:

a. Persistent lateness (arriving after the register has been taken)

b. Unauthorised leave in term time (e.g. being taken out of school for holiday)

c. Delayed return from authorised leave

d. General unauthorised absence/truancy (including parentally condoned absence)


2.  How many FPNs have not been paid within the 21 day allocated time frame?


3.  How many FPNs have not been paid within the 28 day allocated time frame, and subsequently gone to court?


4.  How much revenue has been collected from FPNs between September 2018 - July 2019?


5.  Could you please provide a comparison for questions 1-4 for the previous school year (2017-2018)?


1. 2018/19

a. NA

b. 2753

c. NA

d. 330


2.  28


3. 418 not paid 149 went to Court


4. £134,880.00


5. 2017/18

a. NA

b. 1955

c. NA

d. 284

2.  16

3. 455 not paid 217 went to Court

4. £91,925.00

Reference number
Date request received
22 October 2019
Date of decision
14 November 2019