Community Equipment Service - Find a freedom of information request


1. What is the population size and geographical area served by your Community Equipment Service?


2. How many registered patients do you currently have with equipment on issue?


3. How much did you spend on pressure care items for community equipment from:


4. How many community acquired grade 3 and 4 pressure ulcers were recorded within your area for the period:

  • Beginning April 2018 – end March 2019
  • Beginning April 2017 – end March 2018
  • Beginning April 2016 – end March 2017


5. How many community acquired grade 2 pressure ulcers were recorded within your area for the period:

  • Beginning April 2018 – end March 2019
  • Beginning April 2017 – end March 2018
  • Beginning April 2016 – end March 2017


6. What pressure care equipment do you offer within your core stock?

EG: Static mattress, air flow mattress, static pressure cushion, air pressure cushions, flexi gel pads, heel boots etc. And how many on average do you issue of each per month?


7. Please can you share any guidance / clinical criteria used by clinicians when selecting which pressure area care equipment to issue?


1. Lincolnshire Research Observatory suggests the population size is approximately 751,200. Please note this does not include people from North Lincolnshire or clients Lincolnshire County Council serve who live just outside the county but have their registered GP in Lincolnshire.

2. Approximately 92413 as of the end of May 2019. Please note however this figure changes on an hourly basis.

3. Beginning April 2018 – end March 2019, £1,020,314

Beginning April 2017 – end March 2018, £931,809

Beginning April 2016 – end March 2017, £485,654

4. Lincolnshire County Council are unable to answer this question as this information is not shared with the council by Lincolnshire NHS

5. Lincolnshire County Council are unable to answer this question as this information is not shared with the council by Lincolnshire NHS.

6. Cushions, Mattresses, Repose boots and Half Leg Garments, Over-lay mattresses including recliner.

Cushions - 401

Mattresses – 391

Repose Boots -101

Over lays - 289

Repose Wedge - 48

7. Pressure care equipment tends to be ordered predominately by Health colleagues. In Lincolnshire some Health Trusts use Waterlow scores whilst others have their own ways to establish the most appropriate equipment for client's unique needs.

Reference number
Date request received
21 June 2019
Date of decision
22 July 2019