- Reference
- CA/7/1/522
- Grid reference
- SK871682, SK869674, SK881689, SK851655, SK856657, SK862650, SK863640, SK867642, SK873646, SK872652, SK884656, SK882657, SK865663, SK851671, SK855677, SK849665, SK841663, SK834661, SK869627, SK872698, SK880697
- Address of buildings on the deposited land
- Large Farm, Eagle Road, North Scarle, Lincoln, LN6 9EL; North Scarle Grange, South Scarle Lane, North Scarle, Lincoln, LN6 9ES; Eagle Hall House, Low Wood Stables and Eagle Farm Cottage, Eagle Hall Lane, Eagle Hall, Swinderby, LN6 9HZ; Prestons Farm, Prestons Farm Barns and Eagle Hall Cottages, Eagle Hall Lane, Swinderby, Lincs, LN6 9HZ
- District
- North Kesteven
- Nearest city or town
- Lincoln, Newark
- Highways Act 1980, Section 31 (6) - Deposit date
- 28 April 2021
- Depositor's name and address
- Mr Patrick Chennells, Eagle Hall Estates Limited, Clay Farm, North Scarle, Lincoln, LN6 9ES
- Declaration dates, names, addresses of depositors
- 18 May 2021: Mr Patrick Chennells, Eagle Hall Estates Limited, Clay Farm, North Scarle, Lincoln, LN6 9ES
- Date deposit expires
- 17 May 2041
- Documents