Link Care - Find a freedom of information request


1. The number of Link Carers.

2. The number of children and young people supported.

3. If the Link Carers are retained.

4. If the Link Carers are dual registered i.e. registered to also provide respite to children & young people in foster placements.

5. The content of Link Carer agreements.

6. Detail regarding Link Carer payments.

7. Impact of the services on other Short Breaks Services.

8. Where the Link Care Service sits e.g. within Children with Disabilities or Fostering.

9. The impact the Link Care Service has on Fostering, Children in Care and Children with Disabilities.

10. If the Local Authority be willing to work with neighbouring authorities.

11. If the Local Authority would be willing to utilise Link Carers from other Local Authorities.

12. How Link Carer payments compare with Direct Payments rates.

13. If the Local Authority offer overnight Direct Payments/policy and procedure for overnight Direct Payments.

14. The focus of the Link Care service in terms of the cohort of children and young people - age, complexity of need.


1. This constitutes two households totalling three carers.

2. Three young people – one with physical disabilities.

3. Yes.

4. Yes both households are.

5. To provide 100 units of care per annum. Each unit consists of eight hours. Additional units can be offered and agreed via the Children with Disabilities panel.

6. Each unit cost of eight hours is a value of £100.36. Carers are contracted to offer 100 units per financial year and additional units agreed will be paid at this rate also.

7. This offers children and their families a choice of service alongside other options such as Personal Independence payments and direct care sourced by the family.

8. Fostering.

9. This service provides services to those children and families that wish to access this locally at weekends, school holidays and other occasions as agreed.

10. Yes.

11. Yes.

12. Link Carers are paid hourly £12.54 compared to Direct Payments are paid £11.32 but this includes National Insurance, Tax etc.

13. There is no overnight policy but all children are subject to a Child in Need Plan and their overnights form part of their social care support plan.

14. The children accessing the service are aged between 10 and 15 and have various needs both learning and physical disabilities.

Reference number
Date request received
20 January 2020
Date of decision
28 January 2020