Public Health Budget Allocation on 202020/2021 Drug and Alcohol Services - Find a freedom of information request


From your allocated Public Health budget, how much do you propose to spend on the following areas of drug and alcohol treatment in 2020/2021?

  1. Residential rehabilitation budget (tier 4)              
  2. Residential detoxification budget (tier 4)             
  3. Community substance misuse services (tier 3)  
  4. Your total substance misuse budget
  1. There is no separate budget for residential rehabilitation services, all substance misuse treatment services are commissioned within one contract which is detailed in response to question four.
  2. There is no separate budget for residential rehabilitation services, all substance misuse treatment services are commissioned within one contract which is detailed in response to question four.
  3. There is no separate budget for residential rehabilitation services, all substance misuse treatment services are commissioned within one contract which is detailed in response to question four.
  4. Treatment Service £5,015,652, Recovery Services £398,000, Total £5,413,652
Reference number
Date request received
Date of decision