How many street lights in Skegness - Find a freedom of information request


1.       How many street lights do we have in Skegness?

2.       How many of those are taken care of by Lincolnshire County Council?

3.       How much would it cost to run each of those lights for the time they’re turned off at night?


Lincolnshire County Council Street Lighting Inventory indicates there are 2245 street lights owned and operated by Lincolnshire County Council within the parish boundary of Skegness & Winthorpe.  Out of these, 1707 currently operate on a part night basis.

The amount payable by the town council to convert all 1707 lights back to all night operation in line with the part night reversals policy during the next scheduled maintenance period would be £256,000.  To convert all 1707 lights back to all night operation in line with the part night reversals policy over the next 12 months would be £512,000.

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