Sexual health clinics - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many sexual health clinics, centres or services in your council's catchment area have moved location between January 2017–January 2020 (e.g. to existing GP practices, or hospitals

2. Do you plan to move any sexual health clinics, centres or services in your area to another location in the coming year?

3. Are there any sexual health services, or centres in your area especially for people that have difficulty accessing a GP practice (such as rough sleepers, sex workers, asylum seekers and drug addicts) that have moved location between January 2017–January 2020, or that will move location in the next two years?

4. If applicable, what are the names of those centres that will be, or have been moved?


1. None of Lincolnshire County Council's sexual health centres or services have moved location during this time, although we have increased clinic locations in the last 18 months and also provide a mobile clinic unit.

2. Plans to move sexual health centres or services are being discussed at present, but there are no solid plans as yet.

3. No.

4. Not Applicable.

Reference number
Date request received
Date of decision