- Reference
- CA/7/1/505
- Grid reference
- TF023084
- Address of buildings on the deposited land
- N/A
- District
- South Kesteven
- Nearest city or town
- Stamford
- Highways Act 1980, Section 31 (6) - Deposit date
- 24 January 2020
- Depositor's name and address
- Mr C P Richardson, Richardson Surveyors, Sheep Market House, Stamford, Lincs, PE9 2RB on behalf of Mr J S Banks
- Declaration dates, names, addresses of depositors
- N/A
- Date deposit expires
- 23 January 2040
- Commons Act 2006, Section 15A(1) - Deposit date
- (1) 24.01.2020
- Depositors' names and addresses
- (1) Mr C P Richardson, Richardson Surveyors, Sheep Market House, Stamford, Lincs, PE9 2RB on behalf of Mr J S Banks
- Documents