Authority expenditures for over 65's - Find a freedom of information request



A.      Total gross local authority expenditure (actual spending) for older people (over 65) social care services for the financial year 2017/20180


B.      For 2017/2018, please provide the following breakdown:

  1. Gross local authority expenditure (actual spending) on residential care home services for older people (over 65) for the financial year 2017/2018 (this includes the nursing care element of any residential services provided)
  2. Gross local authority expenditure (actual spending) on homecare services (domiciliary care) for older people (over 65) for the financial year 2017/2018


C.      Please provide the gross expenditure (actual spending) of B1 as broken down by:

  1. Directly provided local authority services
  2. Commissioned through contracts with for-profit providers
  3. Commissioned through contracts with not-for-profit providers


D.      Please provide the gross expenditure (actual spending) of B2 as broken down by:

  1. Directly provided local authority services
  2. Commissioned through contracts with for-profit providers
  3. Commissioned through contracts with not-for-profit providers


E.      Total gross local authority expenditure (actual spending) for older people (over 65) social care services for the financial year 2018/2019 


F.       For 2018/2019, please provide the following breakdown:

  1. Gross local authority expenditure (actual spending) on residential care home services for older people (over 65) for the financial year 2018/2019 (this includes the nursing care element of any residential services provided)
  2. Gross local authority expenditure on (actual spending) homecare services (domiciliary care) for older people (over 65) for the financial year 2018/2019


G.      Please provide the gross expenditure (actual spending) of F1 as broken down by:

  1. Directly provided local authority services 
  2. Commissioned through contracts with for-profit providers
  3. Commissioned through contracts with not-for-profit providers


H.      Please provide the gross expenditure (actual spending) of F2 as broken down by:

  1. Directly provided local authority services 
  2. Commissioned through contracts with for-profit providers 
  3. Commissioned through contracts with not-for-profit providers   


A.       £110,563,592


B.      For 2017/18, please provide the following breakdown:

  1. £74,033,505
  2.  £17,745,512


C.      Please provide the gross expenditure (actual spending) of B1 as broken down by:

  1. Nil
  2. £74,033,505
  3. Nil


D.      Please provide the gross expenditure (actual spending) of B2 as broken down by:

  1. Nil
  2. £17,745,512
  3. Nil


E.       £116,206,894


F.       For 2018/19, please provide the following breakdown:

  1. £79,297,764
  2. £21,812,292


G.      Please provide the gross expenditure (actual spending) of F1 as broken down by:

  1. Nil
  2. £79,297,764
  3. Nil


H.      Please provide the gross expenditure (actual spending) of F2 as broken down by

  1. Nil
  2. £21,812,292
  3. Nil
Reference number
Date request received
16 May 2019
Date of decision
28 May 2019