Children accused of witchcraft/evil possession - Find a freedom of information request


Please could you tell me the number of cases referred to the Police recorded where a child was accused of witchcraft or possessed by an evil spirit for the financial years 2017-2018 and 2018-2019?

 For each financial year please also provide the following information.

1.      How many accused were accused of being a witch or possessed by a evil spirit? 

2.      How many siblings did each of these children who were accused have? 

3.      The gender, ethnicity and age at the time of referral for each accused 

4.      The gender, ethnicity and age at the time of referral of each non- accused sibling. 

5.      The religion of the family. 

6.        Who accused the child(ren) of being possessed e.g. mother, father, 
faith leader? 

7.        What type of abuse did each accused child experience (physical, 
sexual, emotional or neglect)? 

8.        For each accused and non-accused child, whether they were removed 
from their parent/carer’s care by the local authority. 

9.           For each accused and non-accused sibling, whether they were made 
subject of a child protection plan. 


1-8. Lincolnshire County Council advises that there were no such cases reported in 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.

Reference number
Date request received
16 June 2019
Date of decision
18 July 2019