Part Time Workers LCC - Find a freedom of information request


1-Are part time employees allowed to apply for any role including full time roles?

2-what do you class as a part time worker? (Below certain hours/zero hour workers/casual workers/on call)

3-does Lincolnshire county council support and endorse equal treatment for part time workers in relation to:


A-Pay (including sickness/maternity etc)

B-Pension opportunities

C-Holiday (annual leave)

D-Training and career development

E-Selection for promotion/transfer/redundancy

F-Opportunities for career breaks


As per the government guidelines.

4- Does this apply to all of the council?

5- do part time workers have the same access to overtime?



  1. Yes part time employees allowed to apply for any role including full time roles


  2. Lincolnshire County Council classes a part time worker as a worker that works less than the normal full-time hours for the post they are in.


3. Lincolnshire County Council does not treat part-time workers any less favourably than full-time workers with respect to Question A to Question F.


4. Yes this does apply to all of Lincolnshire County Council.


5.  Yes part time workers have the same access to overtime as full time workers

Reference number
Date request received
19 June 2019
Date of decision
17 July 2019