Break in service for teachers - Find a freedom of information request

  1. Should a teacher moving down the pay scale require a break in service in order for a new contract to take effect?

The break in service effectively wipes out a career full of benefits earned such as sick pay and redundancy pay entitlement - resetting the clock back to zero.

This is in relation to a change in contract within the same school.  Even a change of school in the same local authority area is deemed as continuous service.

  1. A break (of at least seven days) would be required in the case of a teacher being paid on the Upper Pay Scale (UPS) in accordance with the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document 2018 Section 14.2  A school has discretion as regards UPS payment in accordance with Section 14.3 of the Document:

14.3. A relevant body may pay a teacher on the upper pay range if:

a) The teacher is defined as a “post-threshold teacher” but was not employed as a post-threshold teacher in that school or was employed as a post-threshold teacher in that school prior to a break in their continuity of employment;

As regards service benefits there would not be any effect on those that are accrued through aggregate service although it would affect service for redundancy purposes.

Reference number
Date request received
11 July 2019
Date of decision
13 August 2019