Foam used for Fire Fighting - Find a freedom of information request


1 - What type of foam do you use for firefighting? ie AFFFP / AFFF

2 - What is the name of the manufacturer of the foam?

3 - What is the cost of the foam per litre?

4 - What is the lifespan of the foam? 

5 - When does the majority or all of the foam reach its end of life and will have to be disposed of? What rough date would this be?

6 - How much does it cost to dispose of the foam per litre?

7 - How much foam stock have you got in litres in your brigade

8 - Has your brigade got access to any other foam, I.e bulk storage, if so how much is in bulk storage?

9 - Does your brigade have any plans to purchase any other type of foam in the future, if so what type of foam would this be and how much per litre would this be?


1. Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue use a synthetic FFF (Fluorocompound-Free Foam) AR Foam concentrate.

2. The manufacturer of this foam used by LFR is Ecopol – Manufactured in France by Bio-ex.

3.The cost of this foam is £3.15 per litre.

4. The lifespan of the foam is 10 years

5. The current stock of foam expires in March 2028.

6. The current stock of foam expires in March 2028.

7. Lincolnshire Fire and rescue currently have 200litres of foam stock

8.LFR has no access to any other stored foam resource

9. There are no plans to purchase any other type of foam.

This information was correct as at July 2019

Reference number
Date request received
24 June 2019
Date of decision
24 July 2019