Clothes recycling banks - Find a freedom of information request

  1. Please can you tell me how many clothes recycling banks the council has in its area?
  2. If you have clothes recycling banks, please can you tell me which company/charity operates these banks and whether the company pays any money to the council or another landlord to keep a clothes bank in that space?

Please include the monthly rental charge or relevant charge if it is not monthly.

  1. If the council is not the recipient of the rent, please can you list the companies that receive the money from the clothes recycling bank company/charity.
  1. Banks are provided at Lincolnshire County Council's ten Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) across the county, usually two per site (four at Lincoln). There are clothing banks at an eleventh HWRC site operated by FCC for the council but LCC do not have any details of FCC's arrangement with their clothing bank provider. Banks outside of HWRCs are facilitated by the seven district councils and the County Council does not have information about where they are located.
  2. All the banks at HWRCs are operated by the Salvation Army Trading Company who pay a fee per year. The County Council does not hold details of operators or payment mechanisms for those banks operated elsewhere in the county.
  3. See above.
Reference number
Date request received
24 July 2019
Date of decision
11 September 2019