Adult social care commissioning team: inspection reports - Find a freedom of information request


1. Any Inspections reports carried out by your local authority adult social care commissioning team, in to care homes (both residential and nursing) for adults.

2. Please can the following be answered:

a. Figures for how many people were enrolled in a course to achieve a basic care certificate from your local authority?

b. Figures for how many people gained the qualification of a basic care certificate from your local authority.

c. Figures for total number of care workers working in your local authority with a basic care certificate.

For the response to question one and two could you include figures for the last three years from the date the request is received where possible, i.e. from 8 August 2019, 8 August 2018 and 8 August 2017.

For question two could the information be provided in an excel format where possible.


1. There have been approximately 3000 visits to care homes over the last three years, and Lincolnshire County Council would not be able to collate this information in the allotted time.

Section 12(1) of the Freedom of Information 2000 does not oblige a public authority to comply with a request for information if the authority estimates that the cost of complying with the request would exceed the appropriate limit. The appropriate limit is currently £450 or 18 hours at a cost of £25 per hour.


a. None, the care certificate forms part of the council's new staff Induction for the day opportunities service specifically for the day opportunities worker and day opportunities assistant posts and is managed in house. Staff are not enrolled on an external course to achieve it. It is assessed and signed off in house by our care certificate assessors as staff members complete the necessary activities.

b. New starters have been required to complete the care certificate since November 2016 when it replaced the common induction standards. Seven have completed the care certificate since this date.

c. Seven

8 August 2019 - three

8 August 2018 - two

8 August 2017- two


Reference number
Date request received
8 August 2019
Date of decision
13 September 2019