Exported Plastic Recycling - Find a freedom of information request


a).As far as the Council is aware, was any of the plastic collected in 2018 by the Council’s Recycling Collection Services ultimately exported to be recycled outside the UK?


b) If yes, please provide the names of all companies that were responsible for exporting this plastic?


c) Does the Council have any estimation of how much plastic was exported outside the UK during 2018? If so, please provide this in terms of tonnes of plastic exported


d) Does the Council know which countries plastic was exported to during 2019? If so, please provide this.


a) Yes the plastic collected in 2018 by the Council’s Recycling Collection Services is ultimately exported to be recycled outside the UK


b) The company that are responsible for reporting the plastic is Mid UK


c)  Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information


d) The company receiving the recycling material referred to using one company in the Netherlands as a destination for plastics in their January 2019 return, but all plastics since that date have been sent to processors within the UK.

Reference number
Date request received
24 September 2019
Date of decision
23 October 2019