Capita Vision 3/4 Command and Control system - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please can you supply the details of the cost incurred by Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service on the Capita Vision 3/4 Command and Control system currently in use by Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service?

I understand the Vision 4 project is a joint project with Hertfordshire, Humberside, Lincolnshire and Norfolk and that Hertfordshire are the only service currently using it.

2. I would like to know your individual Services' liability for this project for example the money that has or will be spent on this contract.

3. Please would you also supply the contractual time frames for this project - initiation and final implantation?

  1. The initial funding of this programme was provided through a Government grant of £7.2 million and details of the expenditure is held by Hertfordshire County Council as the lead authority. 
  2. The costs associated with this programme are divided equally between the four partners.  The actual contribution is calculated annually in advance to take into account fluctuations in contract levels.  For 2019/2020, Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue’s contribution is £238 for running costs and £215 for hardware upgrades.
  3. The project was initiated in 2012 (in response to the Government’s consultation to improve fire control rooms) and is expected to be complete in 2020.


Reference number
Date request received
03 October 2019
Date of decision
28 October 2019