Attendance 'B' Codes - Find a freedom of information request

  1. In respect of every mainstream school and every local authority-maintained establishment providing alternative provision education in your local education authority (pupil referral units, alternative provision academies and alternative provision free schools) for the last five academic years (2018/19, 2017/18, 2016/17, 2015/16, 2014/15):
  1. The number of pupils with 40 or more attendance ‘B’ codes (i.e. those pupils recorded on the school’s attendance register as attending an off-site educational activity); and
  2. The number of pupils with more than 95 attendance ‘B’ codes.


I should be most grateful if the information could be inputted into the attached spreadsheet (‘Local Education Authority Attendance B Codes’) and sent to this email address.


Lincolnshire County Council are unable to provide the information requested, as Lincolnshire County Council do not hold or have access to maintained schools/Academies/Free schools attendance registers.

When an education provider makes direct arrangements to send a young person 'off site' for provision would this be recorded as 'B' on the schools registers, and the tally of days/sessions the pupil attends that provision would be recorded by their school/Academy on their attendance register. 

Lincolnshire County Council understands that this information does not form part of the schools census return, and  the attendance and inclusion service does not hold such records. 

This information therefore is held by the individual education settings and not within the remit of the Local Authority.

Reference number
Date request received
29 November 2019
Date of decision
19 December 2019