Helpringham DMMO 406 - Register of DMMO applications


Deletion of the northernmost link of Public Footpath 518

DMMO number
DMMO 406
Intended effect of the application
Deletion of footpath
Grid references for start and end of claimed route
TF13800934 - TF13874066
Principal cities,towns,villages near claimed route
Electoral Division
North Kesteven
Applicant's name
Lincolnshire County Council initiated
Date of application
1 August 2019
Council officer
Senior Definitive Map Officer
Application number
Council telephone number
01522 782070
Council email
Date of council's decision
26 September 2019
Outcome and reasons for the decision

This part of Public Footpath 518 was added to Definitive Map by the Legal Event Modification Order 1989.  A legal event modification order cannot create a public right of way; it can only amend the Definitive Map in consequence of the creation or diversion of a public right of way by a public path order and no such order has been made in respect of the northernmost link of Public Footpath 518. 

As a result of this error by the Legal Event Modification Order, the northernmost link of Public Footpath 518 is recorded as a public right of way in the Definitive Map where no public right of way legally exists on the ground.  A decision has therefore been made to make a Definitive Map Modification Order to delete the northernmost link of Public Footpath 518 from the Definitive Map on the grounds that no public right of way legally exists over the land in the location of this route.

Date modification order made
14 October 2019
Confirmation,non confirmation (with,without mods)

The Definitive Map Modification was confirmed by the County Council as unopposed on 16 December 2019.  This means that this part of Public Footpath 518 has been deleted from the legal record of public rights of way, the Definitive Map and Statement, and it is therefore no longer recorded as a public right of way.
