Skellingthorpe St Lawrence C of E Primary School - Find a school

Age range
4 to 11
School size
Mrs H Taylor

Lower Church Road

01522 682689
School email address
School website
Church school
C of E
Admission authority
Local authority
Published admission number
2024 oversubscription criteria
  1. Looked after children and previously looked after children including those children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
  2. Children with a brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission.  In the case of infant and junior schools, the associated school will be considered as 'attending the school' for the purposes of this category.
  3. Children for whom this school is the nearest school to their home address.
  4. Priority will be given to children of regular worshippers in a Christian church. Regular will be defined as at least once a month at the place of worship for at least a year before making your application. This will be verified by signed letter from an officiating minister at the place of worship.
  5. Distance of the home address to the school. Places will be allocated to those living nearest the school first.

A 'Christian church' is defined as a church that subscribes to the Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity.

See the full admissions policy for definitions, mid-year admissions or other academic years.

2025 oversubscription criteria
  1. Looked after children and previously looked after children including those children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
  2. Children with a brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission.  In the case of infant and junior schools, the associated school will be considered as 'attending the school' for the purposes of this category.
  3. Children for whom this school is the nearest school to their home address.
  4. Priority will be given to children of regular worshippers in a Christian church. Regular will be defined as at least once a month at the place of worship for at least a year before making your application. This will be verified by signed letter from an officiating minister at the place of worship.
  5. Distance of the home address to the school. Places will be allocated to those living nearest the school first.

A 'Christian church' is defined as a church that subscribes to the Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity.

See the full admissions policy for definitions, mid-year admissions or other academic years.

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Admissions policy for community and voluntary controlled primary schools

To lodge an appeal, please ensure you have read the Appeals guidance before completing the LCC Appeal enquiry form

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Department for Education Number