- Phase
- Primary
- Age range
- 4 to 11
- School size
- 420
- Headteacher
- Mr J Sisman
- Address
Richmond Drive
North Hykeham
LN6 8QZ - Telephone
- 01522 682602
- School email address
- lingmoorenquiries@prioryacademies.co.uk
- School website
- Church school
- No
- Academy
- Yes
- Category
- Academy
- Admission authority
- Academy trust
- Published admission number
- 60
- 2024 oversubscription criteria
- Looked after or previously looked after children.
- A brother or sister on roll at the time of application.
- Children of a member of staff of the academy who has been employed at the academy for two or more years at the time of the application, or who has been appointed to a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
- The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance.
- Straight line distance from home to school's main entrance, priority given to those living nearest.
If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.
See the full admissions policy for definitions, mid-year admissions or other academic years.
- 2025 oversubscription criteria
- Looked after or previously looked after children.
- A brother or sister on roll at the time of application.
- Children of a member of staff of the academy who has been employed at the academy for two or more years at the time of the application, or who has been appointed to a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
- The school is the nearest one to the home address by straight line distance.
- Straight line distance from home to school's main entrance, priority given to those living nearest.
If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.
See the full admissions policy for definitions, mid-year admissions or other academic years.
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School admissions arrangements
To lodge an appeal you must do so directly with the school following this link: North Hykeham Ling Moor Primary School -appeal link
- Find out more
- Department for Education Number
- 9252064