Carlton Scroop DMMO 216 - Register of DMMO applications

To upgrade Public Footpath Number 4 to Bridleway and adding a Bridleway along the remainder of Howdale Lane.
DMMO number
DMMO 216
Intended effect of the application
Upgrade of footpath to bridleway. Claimed bridleway
Grid references for start and end of claimed route
SK 927 450 to SK 946 451
Principal cities,towns,villages near claimed route
Carlton Scroop and Normanton on Cliffe
South Kesteven
Applicant's name
Carlton Scroop and Normanton Parish Council
Date of application
17 May 2000
Council officer
Senior Definitive Map Officer
Application number
Council telephone number
01522 782070
Council email
Date of council's decision
28 October 2004
Outcome and reasons for the decision
The County Council authorised the making of an Order to Upgrade Public Footpath Number 4 to Byway Open to all Traffic and adding a Byway Open to all Traffic along the remainder of Howdale Lane based on user evidence and archival research on the 28th October 2004.
Details of appeal to the Secretary of State
Three objections to the Order were received. The Secretary of State will deal with the matter by written representations. The Secretary of State decided on 10 August 2010 to modify the Order by adding both upgrade and claimed routes as Restricted Byways. This modification will be advertised up to 17 September for any objections or support.
Date modification order made
18 January 2006
Confirmation,non confirmation (with,without mods)
The Secretary of State decided on 11 November 2010 to confirm the Order as modified.