Grantham Walton Academy - Find a school

Age range
11 to 18
Mrs Leonard

Kitty Briggs Lane
NG31 7JR

01476 563251 Fax: 01476 593243
School email address
School website
Church school
Total number 11 to 16
Total number 16 to 18
Applied Learning, Language
Admission authority
Academy trust
Published admission number
2024 oversubscription criteria
  1. Looked after children and previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
  2. A sibling who will be attending the academy when the application is made.
  3. Children of staff who have been employed at Walton Academy for at least two years or are recruited to fill a demonstrable skill shortage.
  4. Straight line distance from home to the school, priority given to those who live closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

See the school’s full admissions policy for more information.

2025 oversubscription criteria
  1. Looked after children and previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
  2. A sibling who will be attending the academy when the application is made.
  3. Children of staff who have been employed at Walton Academy for at least two years or are recruited to fill a demonstrable skill shortage.
  4. Straight line distance from home to the school, priority given to those who live closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

See the school’s full admissions policy for more information.

Sixth form published admission number
Sixth form entry requirements
Year 11 students at this academy have the right to transfer to our Year 12 provided they meet the academic standards set out below and that we can provide their subject or a combination of subjects.
For enrolment on all courses the requirements are five GCSE (or equivalent) at grade 5 or above, including English and Mathematics. Each course also has recommended entry requirements, which can be accessed via the academy website.
Special consideration will be given for individual cases. Sometimes we may be able to offer a place in Year 12, but not your preferred combination of subjects. If we cannot offer the preferred subjects we will offer a place for an alternative combination of subjects.
Sixth form oversubscription criteria

In the event of there being more external applicants than places available we apply the same criteria as new students entering the academy in Year 7:

  1. Looked after Children and previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
  2. A sibling who is attending the academy when the application is made
  3. Children of staff who, when the application is made, has been employed at Walton Academy for at least two years or are recruited to fill a demonstrable skill shortage
  4. Distance from the child's home to the academy with the child living closer to the academy being offered the place(s) first.
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School admissions arrangements

To lodge an appeal you must do so directly with the school following this link: Grantham Walton Academy appeal link

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Department for Education Number