Witham St Hughs - Land at RAF Swinderby - CA-7-1-175 - Register of landowner deposits

Witham St Hughs - Land at RAF Swinderby
Grid reference
SK882617, SK893619, SK900619, SK901626
Address of buildings on the deposited land
Properties on Cheshire Lane, Doe Close, Elder Close, Gibson Street, Gibson Street, Green Lane, Hannah Crescent, Hedge Lane, Moorhen Close, Nettleton Drive, Oak Tree Drive, Owl Close, Partridge Green, Patch Road, Pendred Avenue, Privet Walk, Robins Crescent, Satterley Close, Sorrel Close, Squirrel Chase, Tall Pines Road & Warren Lane
North Kesteven
Nearest city or town
Highways Act 1980, Section 31 (6) - Deposit date
18 October 1979
Declaration dates, names, addresses of depositors
(1) 18 October 1979 - Secretary of State for Defence, Department of Environment, 14 Fletcher Gate, Nottingham
Date deposit expires
17 October 1985