Friskney - Land known as Ingleborough & Grange Farms - CA-7-1-331 - Register of landowner deposits

Friskney - Land known as Ingleborough & Grange Farms
Grid reference
TF461534, TF478541, TF473548, TF477552, TF480558, TF493542
Address of buildings on the deposited land
2 Cottage, Eaudyke Road, Friskney, PE22 8RT; 2 Grange Farm, Eaudyke Road, Friskney, PE22 8RT; 1 Grange Farm, Eaudyke Road, Friskney, PE22 8RT; Friskney Grange, Eaudyke Road, Friskney, PE22 8RT; Turner, Main Road, Friskney, PE22 8SE; Farr, Main Road, Friskney, PE22 8SE; Ingleborough Cottage, Main Road, Friskney, PE22 8SE; Old Coastguard Cottage, Sea Lane, Friskney, PE22 8SD; 2 Coastguard Cottage, Sea Lane, Friskney, PE22 8SD; 1 Coastguard Cottage, Sea Lane, Friskney, PE22 8SD
East Lindsey
Nearest city or town
Highways Act 1980, Section 31 (6) - Deposit date
14 September 2011
Depositor's name and address
Mr A Roughton, The Grange, Friskney, Boston, Lincs, PE22 8RT
Declaration dates, names, addresses of depositors
(1) 23 April 2012 - Mr P Roughton, The Grange, Friskney, Boston, Lincs, PE22 8RT; (2) 23 April 2012 - Mrs J Roughton, The Grange, Friskney, Boston, Lincs, PE22 8RT; (3) 23 April 2012 - Mr A Roughton, The Grange, Friskney, Boston, Lincs, PE22 8RT
Date deposit expires
22 April 2022