Foston - Land at Long Bennington - CA-7-1-363 - Register of landowner deposits

Foston - Land at Long Bennington
Grid reference
SK837455, SK837454, SK839449, SK836449, SK840438, SK846437, SK840434, SK838436, SK837434, SK846424, SK860419, SK827472, SK826460, SK833460, SK833453, SK835454, SK835454, SK836454, SK827454, SK811457, SK819453, SK822445, SK825440
Address of buildings on the deposited land
3 Church Lane, Long Bennington, Newark, NG23 5EU; 75 & 77 Church Street, Long Bennington, Newark, NG23 5ES; By Pass Farm, Great North Road, Foston, NG32 2JT; 7 Water Lane, Long Bennington, Newark, NG23 5HE
South Kesteven
Nearest city or town
Highways Act 1980, Section 31 (6) - Deposit date
25 September 2013
Depositor's name and address
Mr G Fearn, Priory Farm, Long Bennington
Declaration dates, names, addresses of depositors
(1) 14 May 2014 - M B Wills, Brown & Co., The Old Bakery, 4 Norman Way, Melton Mowbray, Leics, LE13 1JE on behalf of Mr G Fearn
Date deposit expires
13 May 2034