Corby Glen - Land at the Irnham Estate - CA-7-1-278 - Register of landowner deposits

Corby Glen - Land at the Irnham Estate
Grid reference
Address of buildings on the deposited land
The Griffin Inn, Bulby Road, Irnham, NG33 4JG; 17 Bulby Road, Irnham, NG33 4JG; 18 Bulby Road, Irnham, NG33 4JG; Blacksmiths Cottage, Bulby Road, Irnham, NG33 4JG; Water Gate House, Bulby Road, Irnham, NG33 4JG; 12 Irnham Road, Irnham, NG33 4JL; 1 Corby Road, Irnham, NG33 4JB; 2 Corby Road, Irnham, NG33 4JB; 3 Corby Road, Irnham, NG33 4JB; 4 Corby Road, Irnham, NG33 4JB; Newton House, Corby Road, Irnham, NG33 4JB; Manor House, Corby Road, Irnham, NG33 4JB; The Kennels, Irnham, NG33 4JE; Irnham Hall, Irnham, NG33 4JD; Peasgood, Corby Road, Irnham, NG33 4JB; 13 Corby Road, Irnham, NG33 4JB; 12 Corby Road, Irnham, NG33 4JB; South Wood Farm, Swinstead Road, Irnham, NG33 4JF; The Lodge, Swinestead Road, Irnham, NG33 4JE
South Kesteven
Nearest city or town
Highways Act 1980, Section 31 (6) - Deposit date
09 October 2009
Depositor's name and address
The Irnham Estate Company Ltd, c/o Strutt & Parker LLP, 5 South View, Tinwell Road, Stamford, PE9 2JL
Declaration dates, names, addresses of depositors
(1) 06 November 2009 - The Irnham Estate Company Ltd, c/o Strutt & Parker LLP, 5 South View, Tinwell Road, Stamford, PE9 2JL
Date deposit expires
05 November 2019