Bitchfield and Bassingthorpe - Land known as 9 Trust of Buckminster Estate - CA-7-1-368 - Register of landowner deposits

Bitchfield and Bassingthorpe - Land known as 9 Trust of Buckminster Estate
Grid reference
SK885265, SK963280, SK975285, SK976277
Address of buildings on the deposited land
1 and 2 Hall Farm Cottages, Westby, Grantham, NG33 4EA; Hall Farm, Village Street, Westby, Grantham, NG33 4EA; Smith and Gill, Burton Road, Westby, Grantham, NG33 4EA
South Kesteven
Nearest city or town
Highways Act 1980, Section 31 (6) - Deposit date
27 September 2013
Depositor's name and address
Mr R J Tollemache (Trustee for and on behalf of 9 Trust of Buckminster Estate), Estate Office, Buckminster, Grantham, Lincs, NG33 5SD
Declaration dates, names, addresses of depositors
(1) 23 August 2023: Mr R Tollemache, Grange Farmyard, Main Street, Buckminster, Grantham, NG33 5SD
Date deposit expires
22 August 2043