Thurlby (NK) - Land at Haddington - CA-7-1-248 - Register of landowner deposits

Thurlby (NK) - Land at Haddington
Grid reference
SK905628, SK906636, SK912626, SK913631, SK913636, SK918634, SK919629, SK920640, SK922638, SK926634
Address of buildings on the deposited land
High Walks Farm, Stone Lane, Haddington, LN5 9EH; Bridge Farm, Haddington, LN5 9EF
North Kesteven
Nearest city or town
Highways Act 1980, Section 31 (6) - Deposit date
15 March 2007
Depositor's name and address
Mr R Battle, Trustee of the Haddington Trust, Jas Martin & Co., 8 Bank Street, Lincoln, LN2 1DS
Declaration dates, names, addresses of depositors
(1) 24 October 2007 - Mr R Battle, Trustee of the Haddington Trust, Jas Martin & Co., 8 Bank Street, Lincoln, LN2 1DS
Date deposit expires
23 October 2017