Diversity workshop for students - Stay Safe Partnership

Lincolnshire County Council

This session gives pupils an opportunity to explore the topic of racial, ethnic and religious diversity within society. The session includes activities and discussions which allow children to question their assumptions and appreciate individual's qualities and heritages.

This training can be used as evidence towards helping you achieve SMSC.

Training Methods

Face to face delivery with years 5 and 6 students in class sized groups.  The training lasts for 60 minutes.

Agency Requirements

Access to laptop/computer and screen for presentation.

Service Description

Ethnic Minority and Traveller Education Team, Lincolnshire County Council.


Free to maintained schools but chargeable to all others. Please contact for costings.

Contact and how to book

Email: SSP@lincolnshire.gov.uk

Please provide as much information as possible, or telephone 01522 550665. Stay Safe Partnership will aim to confirm within five working days.