ASB lesson plans and resources for staff - Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Key Stage 2 (KS2) - Stay Safe Partnership

Lincolnshire County Council

Lesson plans and resources covering Anti Social Behaviour for teachers to use with KS 1 and KS 2.This training can be used as evidence towards helping you achieve SMSC.


These resources will help children to:

  • understand the definition of what constitutes anti-social behaviour
  • understand types of anti-social behaviour and the community impact
  • be aware of the law, powers and associated consequences of anti-social behaviour
  • know of support services available and how to access them
Service Description

These lesson plans have associated resources have been produced by Safe4me, part of Hampshire Police.


These resources give teaching staff the ability to talk to KS 1 and KS 2 children with knowledge and authority.  They help children understand what anti-social behaviour is, how it affects people and hopefully makes them think twice if faced with similar situations.



Contact and how to book

Lesson plans and resources can be obtained from the safe4me website.