Executive summary

Councils in Greater Lincolnshire have approved a devolution deal which means existing money and power can move from central government to decision-makers in Greater Lincolnshire. The approved deal is the most ambitious available.

In exchange for this level of powers, money and decision making, North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire and Lincolnshire County councils must set out how this would be run. The proposal to government is the creation of a separate body called a county combined authority (CCA). This level of deal would be chaired by an elected official (usually called a Mayor) who you, as Greater Lincolnshire residents, would elect. 

All three councils have agreed and adopted the Greater Lincolnshire Devolution Proposal (the proposal), which can be seen, in full on the council websites:

Our proposal delivers for Greater Lincolnshire

Investing in Greater Lincolnshire

  • £24 million per annum for 30 years to invest in infrastructure and skills development totalling £720m.
  • Multi year transport budget with greater flexibility to spend the money on local priorities.
  • Funding for adult education to prioritise spending on the needs of people and businesses rather than national priorities.
  • One off £28.4m capital investment in Greater Lincolnshire’s priorities.

Turbo charging business growth

  • Long term funding of the infrastructure that key local business needs to grow and create jobs.
  • Designating a key route network to speed up the movement of goods and passengers through and around Greater Lincolnshire.
  • Government, research and industry brought together to boost business innovation that leads to more high skill high wage jobs.
  • A new approach to managing water that supports local business needs and protects communities and business from flooding.

High quality skills and jobs

  • Careers support that showcases the great opportunities in Greater Lincolnshire and helps people to get a high skill wage high wage job here.
  • Training in higher-level skills delivered in Greater Lincolnshire to boost access to high wage jobs in our growth sectors.
  • The adult education budget invested in courses that help people to achieve a fulfilling future and deliver the skills that our local businesses need to innovate and expand.
  • Provide extra help to those young people that need it the most, including help for care leavers to get a job.

Unlocking housing through enhanced infrastructure

  • Investing in high quality homes, locations and services to retain a younger workforce and support those in later life.
  • Investment from Homes England to bring forward the necessary infrastructure to meet the needs of local communities.
  • Supporting regeneration of areas, providing sustainable and affordable housing solutions for our future workforce.
  • A single Local Transport Authority to develop public transport improvements that connect people with homes, work, leisure and learning.

A stronger voice for our area

  • A new Mayor, elected by residents to champion the needs of the area and to make a strong case to the Government for more investment and to pilot new ideas in Greater Lincolnshire.
  • A Combined County Authority providing local accountability, transparency and capacity to use key growth levers such as transport, skills and economic development.
  • Enhanced working relationships with government departments to protect our coastline, natural and historic environment and boost tourism.
  • A new role leading the national debate on transport for rural communities to address challenges across ours and other areas.

Delivering our potential – Humber to Wash

  • Decarbonise the UK’s largest industrial estuary and deliver green jobs across Greater Lincolnshire in carbon capture and storage, nuclear fusion, water management and energy distribution
  • National recognition for the UK Food Valley supporting a new generation of high skill jobs and businesses across the food chain.
  • Maximising the potential of the Humber Freeport to create jobs.
  • Improved transport links across Greater Lincolnshire and provide a trade corridor to the East Midlands freeport and beyond.