Register a death

Book an appointment

You must attend a death registration appointment in person at the office you have selected.

We will text the next of kin to book an appointment once the Medical Certificate of Cause of death (MCCD)  or the coroner's paperwork has been received.

If you are unsure if the MCCD or coroner's paperwork has been sent, please get in touch with your GP, bereavement service or coroner's office in the first instance.

You can only book an appointment online if all of the following apply:

  • the medical certificate of cause of death has been issued by the doctor or hospital and sent electronically to the Register Office or where the death was referred to the coroner, you have been informed by the coroner’s office that the paperwork has been sent to the Register Office
  • you are a relative of the deceased, were present at the death or are personally arranging the funeral
  • the death occurred within England or Wales
  • you can speak and understand English

Register a death

Amend or cancel your appointment